Analysis of Potential for CCS in Indonesia

Oktober 14, 2017 pukul 11:42 am | Ditulis dalam Paper | Tinggalkan komentar

Arif Darmawan, Agus Sugiyono, Jianguo Liang, Koji Tokimatsu, and Akinobu Murata, Analysis of Potential for CCS in Indonesia, Energy Procedia, Vol.114, p.7516-7520, July 2017, Elsevier.


Understanding the interrelations between energy resources, environmental aspects and economic issues is very fundamental in developing appropriate decisions and policies for achieving energy sustainability. This study aims to develop energy model for Indonesia and examine an opportunity of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In this study, an ETA-MACRO model of four regions (Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Other Islands) in Indonesia is performed to evaluate the opportunity of transferring advanced power generation technologies, biomass use and CO2 capture and storage. The future energy demand for each region predicted by considering GDP and population. Potential CCS storage was also estimated for every region. Using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) software, Indonesia’s energy system is modeled based on non-linear optimization. The result shows that on the regional perspective, coal is attractive for the energy supply in Java and Sumatera due to the high growth of energy demand in these regions.

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