Analysis of Biomass Agriculture Waste Potential and Bio-pellet Development for Electricity in Indonesia

Maret 9, 2024 pukul 3:23 pm | Ditulis dalam Paper | Tinggalkan komentar
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Ali Ahmudi, Iwa Garniwa, Chairul Hudaya, Syukri M. Nur, and Agus Sugiyono, Multi-regional Analysis of Biomass Agriculture Waste Potential and Bio-pellet Development for Electricity in Indonesia, AIP Conf. Proc. 3080, 050004 (2024),


The potential of renewable energy sources in each region would be different; hence, it requires multi-regional analysis in energy management, including inter-regional energy distribution. Biomass resources such as agricultural waste are one of the strategic energy sources in many countries. This study aims to map the biomass potential based on agricultural waste converted into bio-pellets and its utilization for electricity generation. Calculating and mapping biomass potential was carried out through the primary and secondary agricultural residues. Biomass conversion into bio-pellet refers to Austrian standards (ONORM M 7135). The agricultural waste is divided into primary and secondary agricultural residues. The amount of primary agricultural residues is estimated based on crop cultivation area, production, the ratio of crop residue product, and availability of plant residues. Meanwhile, secondary agricultural residues are estimated using the Residue Production Ratio (RPR). The results showed that the total energy potential of agricultural waste for bio-pellets in Indonesia was 2,708 million GJ/year, equivalent to an electrical power potential of 23,693 MW. Because of multi-regional, the biomass resource locations are distributed in Sumatra (6,755 MW), Java-Bali (11,406 MW), Kalimantan (1,647 MW), Sulawesi (1,471 MW) and Eastern Indonesia (1,279 MW). If this potential can be realized, it can support the energy transition for power generation to replace coal-based power plants in the long term.


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