The Role of Battery Energy Storage System in Supporting the Net-Zero Emission Target in Indonesia’s Electricity System

Mei 4, 2023 pukul 1:50 pm | Ditulis dalam Paper | Tinggalkan komentar
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Agus Sugiyono and Ira Fitriana, The Role of Battery Energy Storage System in Supporting the Net-Zero Emission Target in Indonesia’s Electricity System, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2517, Issue 1, May 03, 2023, AIP Publishing,


Government of Indonesian has launched a National Grand Energy Strategy that will accelerate the use of new and renewable energy for power generation. Besides that, there are many discourses on implementing a net-zero emission target in 2050 or after. Various large-scale power generation options can be utilized to replace coal and gas-based power generation, such as hydro, geothermal, solar, wind and nuclear power generation towards net-zero emissions. The prospects for these various options are evaluated based on generation cost using the LEAP (Low Emissions Analysis Platform) model. The 4 scenarios were evaluated, i.e. business as usual (BAU), solar power plant with battery energy storage system (BESS), nuclear power plant (NPP), and coal and gas power plant with carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). The development of intermittent solar power plant cannot be carried out on a large scale unless coupled with a BESS. The cheapest generation costs are in the BAU scenario, but cannot reach the net-zero emission target. The next three scenarios can be used as an option to achieve the net-zero emission target. The NPP scenario has a lower cost than the CCUS and BESS scenarios, but there are challenges in public acceptance. The CCUS scenario is difficult to implement because it is still based on fossil fuels and the generation costs are also high. The BESS scenario can compete in generation costs with the NPP scenario, if BESS investment costs can continue to decline in the long term.


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